Tactical 16 Publishing

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Flowers From Baghdad by author Gemma McGowam. Tactical 16 Publishing.

Tactical 16 Signs Gemma McGowan for “Flowers from Baghdad”

Press ReleaseFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:  Chris Schafer, CEO719-622-6161 Tactical 16 Signs Gemma McGowan for “Flowers from Baghdad"From the New Jersey Turnpike to Convoying into the Heat of Iraq:  A Young Lieutenant’s Story Finding a silver lining isn’t always easy. But Gemma McGowan finds a way, even in a combat zone.Colorado Springs, Colo. - - Tactical 16 Publishing announced today the signing of Gemma McGowan for Flowers from Baghdad. Walk alongside McGowan in her debut book as she...

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Where Did Your Royalty Go? Tactical 16 Publishing.

Where Did Your Royalty Go?

Royalties can be confusing to the new author. I know an author that once received a check from his publisher for a mere 39 cents. Frustration can ensue when you used a royalty calculator, and your royalty payment is much less than what you calculated. The question is, where is all the money going? To understand royalties, one must consider the type of contract the publisher offers. Contracts vary widely, and royalties’ percentages will reflect the method used to create the book, market it and...

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Why Am I Writing?

The Two Worlds of Becoming an AuthorSo, you want to be an Author? Writing is putting the stories in our head into a format where we can share it with others, or simply keep it for our own enjoyment later.   There are two distinct parts to being an author that do not...

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Becoming a Profitable Author

Step One: Write the best book ever. Step Two: Land a contract with a sick amount paid in advance.  Step Three: Sit around and wait for fat royalty checks to land in the mailbox. I can almost hear the laughter from those who have published a book or are in the process...

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Therapeutic Value of Writing

The therapeutic value of writing has been studied for over 30 years. James Pennebaker Ph.D. conducted experiments with writing as a therapy and the benefits of writing starting in the late 1980s. Benefits like, better retention of information and, a better...

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