Tactical 16 Publishing
Meet Our Authors
Tactical 16 Publishing

Meet Our Authors

Gemma McGowan
Flowers From Baghdad
Gemma McGowan is a U.S. Army Captain Veteran, and currently a Department of Defense Army Civilian working overseas in Germany but hails from New Jersey.
Gemma holds a M.S. in Organizational Leadership from Southern New Hampshire University and a B.A. in American Studies from Rutgers University.
“In my book I share how I went from a suburban town in northern New Jersey to leading soldiers and finding my flowers in Baghdad,” said McGowan, who earned a Bronze Star Medal for her leadership and actions while in Baghdad.
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James Pomerantz
The Breacher’s Playbook
James is a University of Missouri-Journalism alumni. He wrote his first novel in 1999. Among the James Pomerantz book library are novels, Ghost Bandit, Undisclosed Sibling and The Spitting Image of My Father.
James also wrote a 2004 biography entitled They Call Me Sid Rock: Rodeo’s Extreme Cowboy, (Triumph Books, Chicago). The book was a colorful expose of Sid Steiner, 2002 PRCA World Champion Steer Wrestler.
James Pomerantz is co-author of The Breacher’s Playbook which is the first novel in the Deklan Novak trilogy.
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Tom Hruby
The Breacher’s Playbook
Tom Hruby graduated from Andrean High School in Merrillville, IN in 2000 where he played varsity football. He was also MVP on the wrestling team during his senior year.
Tom became a professional MMA fighter in Chicago going undefeated at 7-0. After 9/11, he trained as a Navy SEAL and joined SEAL Team One as a Breacher in 2008.
The father of four boys, Tom currently lives at Hruby Ranch in Crown Point, IN.
Tom Hruby is co-author of The Breacher’s Playbook which is the first novel in the Deklan Novak trilogy.
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T.L. Allen
Surviving The Revolution
T.L. Allen served in the U.S. Army for 13 years as a Track Vehicle Mechanic and a Psychological Operations Team Leader.
Ten years into his Army career, T.L. applied for Psychological Operations. After preparing for a year, passing the Special Operations Selection Course, then a brutal year of PSYOP Q-course and Language training, he finally passed and became a part of coveted Psychological Operations.
In his book, Surviving The Revolution, the author takes us on a journey through the next American Revolution as it threatens to take control and as Texas quickly devolves into ground zero.
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Robert Charleston
Knight Rising
Robert Charleston is a former military linguist, veteran of the Afghanistan War, and new author with Tactical 16. While in uniform, he worked as an intelligence analyst and also taught at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, California, where he earned distinction as a Master Military Language Instructor.
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P. B. Landon
Just only Slightly
In this fictional comedy, Just only Slightly, the author paints a vivid picture of the humdrum life of main character, Paul Talkachev, a down-on-his luck guy living in New Jersey who discovers he is telekinetic. He can move and change objects without touching them and this is just the beginning as Paul sets out on a path of discovery and adventure.
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MC Gowan
Not On My Watch
It’s the year 2000 and two suicide pilots in a bomb-laden boat just attacked the guided-missile destroyer USS Cole in the port of Yemen, killing 17 U.S. sailors and injuring 39 others. Gowan’s fictional account based on real events picks up right after the Al Qaeda bombing.
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Ruth Anne Kramer
You Belong: A Guidebook for the Career-Minded Woman on the Move
During her time in the military, Anne served as a company commander while deployed to Iraq with a follow-on assignment as an aide-de-camp to a two-star general. Military life as a Soldier and military spouse has brought her to live in Georgia, Korea, North Carolina, Iraq, Maryland, Texas, Hawaii, and Virginia. Anne currently serves as a therapist with the Department of Veterans Affairs.
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Chris Clayson
Three Planets
Meet Chris Clayson, an emerging author known for crafting captivating narratives that take readers on relentless thrill rides. With a two-year background in Iraq, the Army combat veteran skillfully weaves his real-world experiences into his gripping thriller novels.
In his book, Three Planets, Earth’s natural resources are depleted. It’s up to a team of veterans to travel to the blood red planet Revis to search for precious minerals.
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Stewart "ST" Blackwell
Infantry Culture in the Global War on Terror
In his debut book, Blackwell explores the complex culture, complete with its own value system, of the American warrior serving during the Global War on Terror, known as “GWOT.” The GWOT began after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States and includes the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that followed.
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Anthony Perez
Withstanding the Storm of Change
Anthony Perez is a Navy veteran, successful entrepreneur, speaker, and community leader with over 25 years of experience building and developing leaders. Anthony’s has been appointed by the governor of Colorado as a board member to Colorado minority Business Advisory Council, and by the mayor of Colorado Springs as the commissioner for the urban renewal authority.
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Taylor Cleveland
The Courage & Sacrifice of the 3rd Battalion 25th Marines
In his debut book, Cleveland gives a first-hand account of his time with the 3/25, known as “Lucky Lima,” in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
In 2005, Cleveland, a Navy Corpman (medic), deployed to Iraq with 179 fellow Reservists as part of 3/25, an Ohio-based Marine Reserve unit. After five months of relative quiet, enemy forces began launching attack after attack on the unit.
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John Morrin
Riddles in the Dark:
The Never Ending Battle
John Morrin is an avid reader and lifelong student. He is a passionate writer who is dedicated to creating an authentic anthology of poetry, blending together themes of psychology, philosophy, theology and beyond. In his debut work, Riddles in the Dark, John weaves together his experiences from his time before, during, and after his service in the Marine Corps.
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Sean McCauley
Little Lady
Sean James McCauley graduated from New Jersey City University in 2010 with a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education with a concentration in History and a minor in English. Sean completed his master’s degree in 2016.
Following his years teaching, Sean joined the United States Air Force as a commissioned officer.
In his debut book, Little Lady, Sean McCauley brings the issue of human sex trafficking to the forefront in his fictional account
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K.A. Brown
Programmed To Win
K.A. Brown spent 26 years as a firefighter and recently retired to pursue his passion for writing.
His experience as a firefighter has given him a unique perspective on the world and has inspired him to explore complex themes in his writing. The Cost of Killing continues the themes and characters introduced in Programmed to Win,
while introducing a new storyline and delving deeper into the characters themselves.
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Spencer Anderson
Survive The Night
Spencer Anderson is a U.S. Air Force Vietnam war veteran, former pilot, teacher and counselor, and an honorary Colonel in the Commemorative Air Force. His passion for aviation and aviation history is clearly seen in his writing. Spencer is dedicated to keeping alive the legacy of the patriots who chose to fly and fight for our grateful nation in its most trying times.
Survive the Night recalls the tragedy of the German death march of more than 10,000 American and allied POWs.
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Tom Hardy
Fitness For Busy Dads
Tom Hardy has proudly served in the US Army since 2010 and is currently serving in the Army as an instructor at Fort Devens Massachusetts. He has held several key roles within the military to include Drill Sergeant, Master Fitness Trainer (MFT), and Instructor.
Tom holds a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science from Liberty University, and is certified as a Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Tom graduated from Master Fitness Trainer school while serving in the Army and currently holds that position.
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Deborah Spencer
The First Enterprize
A Legendary Little Ship
with a Storied Name
Spencer traces the full story of this historic ship from its conception and construction in 1799 to its ultimate demise in 1823, when she stranded and broke up on Little Curacao Island in the West Indies.
“History enthusiasts and those with a naval or military background are sure to be immersed in the untold story of this famous ship – a history that includes wars and conflicts in the Caribbean and the Mediterranean and colorful commanders,” said Spencer.
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Ward Mayfield
Lessons from Uncle Sam
Ward Mayfield served as a combat engineer twice in Iraq and once in Afghanistan, completing more than 300 missions clearing routes, and detecting and removing (IEDs) from roadways for safe travel by U.S. forces.
“This is my story of what it’s like to survive an explosion and go back to work the next day, over and over, until it physically became impossible to continue,” said Mayfield, who earned two Purple Heart medals, an Army Commendation for Valor, and a Bronze Star. “I had to come to grips with going from powerful, agile, and intelligent to slow and sometimes very weak and confused after so many IED hits.
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Spencer Emch
Time of Flight
In his debut book, Emch explores the full spectrum of human emotions servicemembers go through when they’re put into dangerous situations fraught with chaos and uncertainty.
“The good, the bad, the hilarious, and the surprises are all included in this war story of human experience and emotion,” said Emch, who served in the U.S. Army for 12 years as both a musician and an Apache helicopter pilot. “I lead readers on a journey from what seemed like safety from within the borders of an allied nation to the war-torn deserts of Iraq along a crescendo of combat missions.”
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Michael McGarrey
Life’s Memorable Moments
“Get ready to get a good laugh and a look into some of the events in my life that helped shape me,” said McGarrey, who was in the U.S. Army infantry for almost 8 years. “I want people to think of their own memorable moments after reading my book, and see that it’s the embarrassing and sometimes hard things that give us the best memories.”
McGarrey set out to write this book to reassure others that everyone has both bad and good things that happen to them over a lifetime. But, when you compare, the bad times usually make up only about one percent compared to the joyous moments, he says.
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Lee Kelley
Look To The Warriors
“After serving in uniform for a decade, and now working closely with Veterans for the past 14 years, I’ve discovered some perspectives that I think will help readers create more inner peace, reduce stress, and sustain them through difficult times and the emotional wars we all fight,” said Kelley, an Army Veteran, author, executive coach and trainer.
Lee Kelley’s self-help book draws upon the military’s most foundational lessons and mindsets to help readers apply these life-changing principles in their own lives.
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Victor R. Morris
Marsi Goes to Mars
In his debut book, “Marsi Goes to Mars“, Morris introduces young children to Marsi, a precocious young girl whose curiosity is sparked about Mars after learning about the Red Planet at school.
Kids will fall in love with Marsi’s bold and bubbly personality as she shares her adventures and discovers a lot about herself and Mars with her best friend, Marty, a spunky German Shepherd, by her side.
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James Dehner
An Empty Shell
Dehner worked on his story for almost 40 years and recently finished it. He hopes that sharing his account and lessons learned can help former and current soldiers and their family members who have been hit hard by the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Drafted in 1968, Dehner says his service in the Vietnam War deeply affected him and the way he lived for years afterward. Loss of friends and even the enemy resulted in him living with guilt.
on his:
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Jeff Clark
Hear These Truths:
The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Leadership Algorithm
In his debut book, Jeff Clark outlines the crucial steps readers should take to design their own philosophy, or what he calls their algorithm, to rule the workplace and understand their leadership mission, vision, and goals.
“Approaching leadership without a strategy will bury you and slow your progress,” said Clark, a coach and mentor with certifications in Lean Six Sigma, technical training, and executive leadership.
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Skyla Pearson
The Enlisted:
The Price of Service No One Tells You
While serving from 2017 to 2021, she earned the Navy’s Good Conduct Medal as well as the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.
In her debut book, The Enlisted, The Price of Service No One Tells You, Pearson sheds light on the tough realities she faced as a black, enlisted woman serving in the U.S. Navy, and draws attention to what other young women are sure to encounter.
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Walter Phillip "Phil" Jordan, Jr.
Odds N Ends In Rhyme
At 15 years old, Jordan ran away from home to join the military, but was too young to enlist so he worked in the shipyards as a copper smith. At only 16 years old, he cranked planes for Chinese Army cadets during WWII. In 1944, twenty days after turning 17, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy during the heat of battle in the South Pacific. He served on the D.E. #443 Kendall C Campbell and watched as the flag was raised at Iwo Jima and was present at Tokyo Bay at the signing of the Japanese surrender.
“It’s an honor to have talked with Phil and to help his family realize Phil’s dream of bringing this historical treasure to publication”, said Chris Schafer, CEO of Tactical 16.
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Kim DeFiori
Lessons from Thor
DeFiori began her military career after graduating from West Point in 2008 as a military police officer. She deployed shortly after to Afghanistan for a year, serving with military police and infantry companies. She was one of the first women to work alongside Afghan police day and night conducting raids with special operations units. She went on to serve as an aide-de-camp at the Pentagon.
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Annette Whittenberger
The Wall Between Two Lives: A True Story of Finding Purpose
Annette commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army as a Chemical Officer from the ROTC Program at Arizona State University (Tempe, AZ). She has a B.A. in Psychology from Arizona State University and an M.S. in Environmental Management from Webster University.
In her debut book, The Wall Between Two Lives, Whittenberger, reflects back on her life’s journey and traumas she has faced.
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Chris Hernandez
Chris Hernandez is a 23 year police officer, former Marine and and retired National Guard soldier with over 25 years of military service. He
is a combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan and also served 18 months as a United Nations police officer in Kosovo.
He writes for BreachBangClear.com and has published three military fiction novels Proof of Our Resolve, Line in the Valley, and Safe From the War through Tactical16 Publishing.
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David W. Peters
Death Letter:
God, Sex, and War

JP Lane
Author - Walking Again

As a combat engineer, he was deployed to Afghanistan as a Specialist with the 428th Engineer Company in October 2010 to search for IED’s.
On July 2nd, 2011, his RG31 truck was penetrated by a 200lb IED. He was in a coma for 6 weeks, having 26 injuries and 28 surgeries – changing his life forever.
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Julia A. Maki
Julia A. Maki grew up in Deer River, Minnesota and enlisted in the Navy as an Aviation Warfare Systems Operator aboard P-3Cs.
Julia is now in the DC Air National Guard. When she is not writing, raising a family, or working, she finds her passion in volunteering for organizations supporting veterans.
Julia is the author of:
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Justin Jordan
Author - And Then I Cried

His most taxing job, however, would be when he was assigned as the Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge, Mortuary Affairs.
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Matt Richardson
Author - Tomorrow's Yesterdays
Richardson is a captain in the U.S. Air Force and a 2012 graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA). He currently works with cadets in the honor department at the USAFA. He was born in Eureka, Calif., but calls Adair Village, Ore. his home.
In his book, Tomorrow’s Yesterdays, Matt sends his teen readers on a perilous journey as they follow the adventures of 14-year-old Orion “Ryan” Cooper after he falls through a time gap.
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Otis McGregor
Author - Enable Your Team's Success
McGregor served in the U.S. Army and Special Forces for 25 years, working his way up from private to lieutenant colonel. He did everything from driving a tank to operating heavy equipment and leading Green Beret teams on missions.
Otis has provided executive level training, and business development support to clients since starting his company, LTO Enterprises, LLC.
In his book, Enable Your Team’s Success: Succeed In Life and Business With A Strong Team, Otis walks the reader through what it takes to be a successful leader.
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Scott J. Casey
Author - Ghostkeepers
Scott Casey is a ten-year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces. He is a veteran’s advocate and performs speaking engagements about PTSD. He has worked for the past six years with, and is now the President of, Military Minds Inc., a global, not-for-profit organization which assists veterans, first responders and their families dealing with homecoming and PTSD.
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Tom Petitmermet
Author - Pretzel 06
Tom flew 535 combat sorties and was awarded numerous military decorations for his service. Tom retired as a Colonel after completing a 26 year Air Force career flying fighter aircraft, testing air to air munitions and many command and staff positions including Commander of an Aggressor flying squadron in Alaska and Base Commander of a remoter Alaska base.
Tom retired in 1995 as the Deputy Chief of Staff of the North American Defense Command (NORAD)
Tom’s books include:
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Therese Agnes Hughes
Author - In A Heart Beat
In her debut book, In a Heartbeat, Hughes features 113 women veterans serving in all of the U.S. military branches from WWII to more recent times, weaving a memorable story through moving photos and quotes. Hughes, a long-time advocate of women’s issues, particularly our national population of women veterans, has spent many years passionately fighting for increased healthcare access for women.
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Jon Hinderliter
Author - The Death of Content as King

Judy Littlefield
Author - The Other Man Down: A Mother's Journey After the ‘American Sniper’ Tragedy
Littlefield’s account begins in 2013 after her son, Chad Littlefield, and his friend former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle were gunned down by Eddie Ray Routh at a Texas shooting range. Kyle was well known for his autobiography and film, “American Sniper.” Chad raised in a small town, was a husband, father, and American patriot.
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Leah Anaya
Author - Policeman Daddy
Leah Anaya served in the Army and as a police officer in California and Washington states. She is also the daughter of a police officer and the wife of a current police officer. They have three children.”
Leah Anaya currently works as a staff writer at Law Enforcement Today and is a peer advocate and peer spousal support advocate for the Wounded Blue and Serve and Protect.
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Bruce Lauer
Author - Million Dollar Bronze Star: A Soldier’s Story of Corruption and Debauchery in Vietnam
Bruce Lauer currently serves as vice chairman of Cushman & Wakefield, a global real estate firm. He has also served in many leadership roles throughout Florida, including adjunct professor at the Florida International University in Miami, a board member and secretary for Morton Plant Mease Hospital Foundation, and a board of directors’ member for the Outback Bowl.
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Carl Higbie
Crisis of Culture
The Political Battlefield of the New Civil War
In today’s political and media environment, people are more divided than ever. I am certainly not innocent of past divisive rhetoric and am willing to own that. This is my call to rationalize our differences and discuss them by removing emotion.
This book removes emotion from our ideologies and weighs facts and reason against many political divides for and against both sides. I rationalize the issues conservatives can come together on, win on, and separate voting with our hearts versus voting with our brains.
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Tactical 16 Publishing is dedicated to serving active, inactive and retired United States military armed forces authors, along with their family members, military-affiliated writers and first responders. We serve those who have served our country.
Tactical 16 Publishing specializes in working with authors in the armed forces, police, fire, and rescue communities.
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