Just only Slightly

Just only Slightly by author P. B. Landon. Signed Copies Now Available. Tactical 16 Publishing.

(Paperback Only)

In this fictional comedy, Just only Slightly, the author paints a vivid picture of the humdrum life of main character, Paul Talkachev, a down-on-his luck guy living in New Jersey who discovers he is telekinetic. He can move and change objects without touching them and this is just the beginning as Paul sets out on a path of discovery and adventure.

P. B. Landon author of Just only Slightly. Tactical 16 Publishing.In the book, Just only Slightly, “I set out to create a fun, voyeuristic story about Paul’s life with its blunders, adventures, small successes, and friendships,” said Landon, who served in the U.S. Navy and has been a day trader, merchant mariner, locksmith and writer. “This story is a dark comedy banking on nervous energy amply supplied by Paul and the interactions of a man slowly dripping into madness trying to negotiate other people’s feelings and desires.”

Home Page / P. B. Landon’s Page


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