Tactical 16 Signs Lee L. Kelley


Contact:  Chris Schafer, CEO

Tactical 16 Signs Lee L. Kelly for “Look to the Warriors:  12 Perspectives to Cultivate Inner Peace”

Lee Kelley, author, Look to the Warriors. Tactical 16 Publishing.Lee Kelley provides a narrative which is both inspiring and practical for anyone on a self-development journey

Colorado Springs, Colo. – – Tactical 16 Publishing announced the signing of Lee L. Kelley for “Look to the Warriors: 12 Perspectives to Cultivate Inner Peace.

Look to the Warriors by author Lee Kelly. Tactical 16 Publishing.Kelley’s self-help book draws upon the military’s most foundational lessons and mindsets to help readers apply these life-changing principles in their own lives.

“After serving in uniform for a decade, and now working closely with Veterans for the past 14 years, I’ve discovered some perspectives that I think will help readers create more inner peace, reduce stress, and sustain them through difficult times and the emotional wars we all fight,” said Kelley, an Army Veteran, author, executive coach and trainer. “My goal is to offer a source of hope, pride, and optimism by pointing to these lessons from the Veteran community.”

Some of the tools Kelley focuses on in his new book include:  optimism, determination, accountability, self- reflection, resilience and adaptability, patience, planning and goal setting, and mindfulness.

“Lee’s book opens so many unexpected doorways for readers into personal growth,” said Chris Schafer, CEO at Tactical 16 Publishing. “His affirmations and practical exercises at the end of each chapter reinforce his strong message and provide a roadmap to find the inner peace we all seek on our individual life journeys.”

“Lee Kelley provides a narrative which is both inspiring and practical for anyone on a self-development journey. This is an important book and a must read for anyone, whether a soldier or civilian, looking to grow stronger within. — Retired Army Maj. Gen. John L. Gronski, author of “Iron-Sharpened Leadership” and international speaker

Lee Kelley, author, Look to the Warriors. Tactical 16 Publishing.

Tactical 16 Publishing specializes in working with authors in the armed forces, police, fire, and rescue communities. To learn more, click here to watch a short video or go to our Facebook page at Tactical 16 Publishing.

Tactical 16 Signs Jeff Clark


Contact:  Chris Schafer, CEO

Tactical 16 Signs Jeff Clark for “Hear These Truths:  The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Leadership Algorithm”

Jeff Clark, Author. Tactical 16 Publishing.Jeff Clark equips readers with essential tools to define their leadership philosophy for success.

Colorado Springs, Colo. – – Tactical 16 Publishing announced today the signing of Jeff Clark for Hear These Truths:  The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Leadership Algorithm.

Hear These Truths: The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Leadership Algorithm by Author Jeff Clark. Tactical 16 Publishing.In his debut book, Clark outlines the crucial steps readers should take to design their own philosophy, or what he calls their algorithm, to rule the workplace and understand their leadership mission, vision, and goals.

“Approaching leadership without a strategy will bury you and slow your progress,” said Clark, a coach and mentor with certifications in Lean Six Sigma, technical training, and executive leadership. “The way an algorithm – a rule set for success – guides the content of a website, your school of thought on leading must do the same. It’s the ‘call to action.’”

Clark draws upon his experiences as an entrepreneur, as a retired Air Force logistician serving during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, and as a government civil service employee to lay out a clear plan for readers to win in the workplace.

This plan covers:  defining leadership; distinguishing between power and purpose; being a servant leader; making smart decisions with confidence; becoming empowered and empowering others; effectively communicating and listening; and, accountability and its importance for leaders and teams.

“Jeff’s book lays out such a solid foundation for those looking to kickstart their careers or hoping to refine their leadership skills,” said Chris Schafer, CEO at Tactical 16 Publishing. “He asks readers to be honest with themselves in a way they maybe haven’t been before. This is definitely a book that will reshape your thinking and way of doing things as a professional! A must read!”

Clark lives in Oklahoma with his wife and three children, his oldest currently serving on active duty in the Air Force. He hosts a podcast, “Course of Action,” volunteers with multiple veterans’ organizations, and is working on his doctorate.

Jeff Clark, Author. Tactical 16 Publishing.

Tactical 16 Publishing specializes in working with authors in the armed forces, police, fire, and rescue communities. To learn more, click here to watch a short video or go to our Facebook page at Tactical 16 Publishing.

Tactical 16 Signs Skyla Pearson


Contact:  Chris Schafer, CEO

Tactical 16 Signs Skyla Pearson for “Look to the Warriors:  12 Perspectives to Cultivate Inner Peace”

Author Skyla Pearson. Tactical 16 Publishing.Skyla Pearson shares a raw, unfiltered account of life as a minority and a woman serving in the U.S. Navy.

Colorado Springs, Colo. – – Tactical 16 Publishing announced today the signing of Skyla Pearson for The Enlisted: The Price of Service No One Tells You.

In her debut book, Pearson, sheds light on the tough realities she faced as a black, Enlisted by Author Skyla Pearson. Tactical 16 Publishing.enlisted woman serving in the U.S. Navy, and draws attention to what other young women are sure to encounter.

Pearson’s book is drawn from a journal she kept during her five years of service in the U.S. Navy and from interviews with women and men who crossed her path during her tours in both Virginia, California, and on the open seas.

“I want to start the controversial conversations that will lead to change,” said Pearson, who is currently a University of Alabama student. “I’m focused and determined to help at least one person see the full picture before making a multi-year commitment where the only thing that is truly certain is uncertainty itself.”

In her book, Pearson recounts her long, often unbearable, days spent in the middle of the ocean on both a destroyer and aircraft carrier during her two deployments. She gives readers a close-up glimpse into the treatment she and other women sailors were trying to “cope with and maneuver in a field that draws us in with alluring promise, but reluctantly welcomed us once we’re officially sworn in.”

While serving from 2017 to 2021, she earned the Navy’s Good Conduct Medal as well as the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.

“Skyla’s story really showcases her resilience and drive to share her experiences in hopes of helping other young women contemplating a career in the military,” said Chris Schafer, CEO at Tactical 16 Publishing. “I greatly admire her determination and courage to bring change to the military system. This book is a must read!”

Author Skyla Pearson. Tactical 16 Publishing.

Tactical 16 Publishing specializes in working with authors in the armed forces, police, fire, and rescue communities. To learn more, click here to watch a short video or go to our Facebook page at Tactical 16 Publishing.

Tactical 16 Signs Kimberly DeFiori


Contact:  Chris Schafer, CEO

Tactical 16 Signs Kimberly DeFiori​ for “Lessons from Thor”

Female veteran and author Kimberly DeFiori shares crucial life messages she learned from her service dog while struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Colorado Springs, Colo. – – Tactical 16 publishing company announced today the signing of Kimberly (Kim) DeFiori for Lessons from Thor.

Lessons from Thor by Author Kim DeFiori. Tactical 16 Publishing.In her first book, DeFiori offers important lessons her service dog, Thor, has taught her that readers from all walks of life can apply to their lives.

DeFiori, currently pursuing her MBA through Cornell University’s executive MBA program, thoughtfully recounts her traumatic journey while serving in the U.S. Army, challenging readers to view life differently for greater happiness and fulfillment. Thor, DeFiori’s often silly yet very focused Labrador Retriever, inspired her to write this unforgettable story and helpful guide for readers.  

In Lessons from Thor, retired Army Captain DeFiori cleverly weaves Thor’s take on life throughout her story. Some of the topics she focuses on include: taking care of yourself; trying new things; resting and recharging; finding and enjoying every moment; leaning on others when struggling; appreciating our past; and, being a good listener to people who are hurting. As an example, she shares that “When Thor goes to the beach, he doesn’t watch the waves, he crashes into them. Life is about trying things, not just watching from the sidelines.” 

“Kim’s debut book is so heartfelt and encouraging,” said Chris Schafer, CEO at Tactical 16. “She talks about her difficult journey and close relationship with Thor, her precocious furry friend, in a fun and meaningful way. You’re sure to fall in love with Thor and learn from both Kim and him as the story progresses. This book is so well done and motivational!” DeFiori calls Maryland home and recently started Badges United Foundation, a non-profit, to help first responders who have PTSD.

DeFiori began her military career after graduating from West Point in 2008 as a military police officer. She deployed shortly after to Afghanistan for a year, serving with military police and infantry companies. She was one of the first women to work alongside Afghan police day and night conducting raids with special operations units. She went on to serve as an aide-de-camp at the Pentagon.

Lee Kelley, author, Look to the Warriors. Tactical 16 Publishing.

Tactical 16 Publishing specializes in working with authors in the armed forces, police, fire, and rescue communities. To learn more, click here to watch a short video or go to our Facebook page at Tactical 16 Publishing.

National Fraternal Order of Police 65th National Conference Sponsor

National Fraternal Order of Police 65th National Conference Sponsor


Contact:  Chris Schafer
CEO, Tactical 16 Publishing

Tactical 16 Publishing Named as a National Fraternal Order of Police 65th National Conference Sponsor

Colorado Springs, Colo. – – Tactical 16 Publishing, a veteran-owned national publisher, announced today it will be one of the sponsors of the National Fraternal Order of Police’s (FOP) 65th National Conference and exposition in Indianapolis from August 15-19, 2021.


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