Fitness For Busy Dads
Tactical 16 Publishing

Fitness For Busy Dads
by Tom Hardy
In his debut book, Fitness For Busy Dads, Tom presents a simple and effective program geared towards dads with busy schedules in order to ultimately build a healthier lifestyle.
“Being a dad isn’t easy, said Tom, a father of two young boys and an Active Guard Reserve (AGR) soldier. “You’re busy all the time between work, the kids, chores, and fixing up the house. I’m just like you – someone who knows the struggle of trying to balance a career, being a husband and a father and trying to stay healthy. That’s why I was inspired to write this book and share what has worked for me and can work for you.”
Michael –
I took an opportunity to sit down and read this book. As the title says “I am a busy dad”. It is captivating from the moment you start reading the first few pages, more than likely because I can relate to a lot of things that Thomas has been through. In the midst of teaching us and revealing successful tips to make us healthier in the long run I could see he was genuinely speaking from experience. If you are like me and like the KISS method (Keep it simple stupid) then this book will be a great addition to your repertoire. Thomas gives us the science behind each aspect to turn our dad bods into healthier dads that can run along with our kids without the embarrassment of being outrun or outworked at the end of the day. Thank you Thomas!