Top Cover for North America
Defending America from the Soviet Threat
Tactical 16 Publishing
Top Cover for North America
Top Cover for North America: Defending America from the Soviet Threat.
Petitmermet recounts nerve-racking days serving in the Air Force at the Galena airport, a remote forward operating base located at the former Galena Air Force Station, which 350 miles northwest of Anchorage, Alaska.
“I hope to capture the memories of that very challenging leadership role that I faced as a commander for a year during the Cold War,” explains Petitmermet, who served in the Air Force for 26 years flying fighter aircraft, testing air to air munitions and in numerous command and staff positions. “The stories in this book are based on a very detailed journal I kept during my one-year tour at Galena.”
In his second published book, Petitmermet recounts his role supporting the “Top Cover” mission, which refers to the role the Alaskan region of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and the Alaskan Air Command had in protecting North America from any potential Russian aggression against the United States and Canada.
Ken Ryder –
I had the pleasure of working with Col P+10 at Galena as his Deputy Commander for Resources. He was one on the best commanders I was ever assigned with. I can attest first had to his obsession with maintaining a journal.