Leadership In The Real World
50 Years of Building a Leadership Model
Tactical 16 Publishing

Leadership In The Real World
In his third book, Leadership in the Real World, published under Tactical 16, retired Air Force Col. Tom Petitmermet lays out solid leadership principles and real-world examples that business professionals should emulate and approaches they should avoid to be successful.
“My leadership philosophy comes from 50 years of actual hands-on leadership situations,” said Petitmermet, who bases his tenets on 26 years as an Air Force pilot, 15 years working as a defense industry consultant, and over 25 years as the leader of a non-profit volunteer group.
“Tom’s latest book drills down to critical areas every successful leader should focus on: competence, mission, people, communication, standards, integrity, loyalty, decision making, delegation, and teamwork,” said Chris Schafer, CEO at Tactical 16 Publishing. “This book is a game changer!”
Retired Air Force Col. John Schmidt –
Not boring theory…but real-world leadership examples, often humorous, for all aspiring “fast burners”.
Retired Air Force Col. Frank Leuck –
I know Tom, I’ve read his books and I’ve witnessed his leadership skills firsthand. Read this book and enjoy moving your leadership skills up more than just a notch or two.
Joe Dixon, Colonel USAF (ret) –
I had the good fortune of serving with Tom during two different assignments when I witnessed his superb leadership qualities first-hand. Now, thanks to this terrific book, his insights — gained throughout his career — can be shared with a much wider audience.